Facts about the Cape Buffalo – (Syncerus caffer)
The Cape (or African) buffalo is an enormous and fomidable with a reputation for a dangerously moody termperament.
While old bulls can be seen by themselves or in groups of two or three, generally they are gregarious, moving together in herds that can number in the thousands. The herd has a strict hierarchy, with the strongest Buffalos moving at the front and centre of the herd and securing the best grazing and security. And the lower ranking animals bringing up the rear (and becoming the main target of predators).
Buffalo have exellent senses
Although sight and hearing are less well developed, their sense of smell is acute and they use it to find food or to detect predators. Buffalo are inquisitive and will approach sourcesof interest with their noses outstreched to pick up olfactory clues to the object´s identity. They also use smell to communicate socially. It is believed that the coordination of the numerous menmber within a herd is controlled by olfactory cues. That afford recongnition of individuals and allow the grouping of animals into sub-herds.
1,4m (at shoulder)
Male: 800kg; Female: 750kg
23 years
Habitat & Distribution:
Wide range – wherever there is suitable forage,
acces to water and shade
Gestation # of young:
11 months – 1
Bulk grazers – prefer long grass.
Take small amount of browsw in times of drought
Lions and human